September 2020 Message from the President, Susie Hayman

Dear fellow NAPO members,

I can’t believe that September is here! Yesterday, someone reminded me that time seems to go faster the older we get. Having recently celebrated another birthday, I’m feeling that, as well as realizing that my time as NAPO President is already slightly more than half over. That doesn’t seem possible.

As I think about the concept of time, I realize that time is one of those intangibles that we, as organizers and productivity professionals, have top of mind – scheduling it and managing it, whether for ourselves or our clients. I find that it always seems to be at the core or root of our clients’ challenges and often, impacts our own productivity.

How do we, as the experts, manage our own time for maximum productivity, so that we can better serve our clients? What can we do to share that knowledge with both our colleagues and members of our physical and virtual communities? How do we transfer those skills that are often difficult for even us?

Within our association, there are numerous opportunities in place for us to both learn from others and use our expertise to spread awareness of how time management impacts our productivity:

  • Initiate a POINT conversation/respond to a conversation
  • Apply to be a subject matter expert for a NAPO University class/take a NAPO University class
  • Submit an original blog post/read NAPO’s blog
  • Submit to be a guest on the NAPO Standout Podcast/listen to the Standout Podcast
  • Submit an idea for a Free Member Webinar/participate in a Free Member Webinar
  • Share your expertise by being a presenter at a chapter meeting or on a SIG call/participate in a chapter meeting or on a SIG call

We, as NAPO members, understand the value we bring to our clients, as we help them to better manage their time and increase their productivity. I encourage you to share your expertise and learn more. By doing so, you create an opportunity to be a leader in our industry and elevate both your business and our profession to the next level.

As time goes by,

Susie Hayman

Susie Hayman, NAPO President

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