June 2020 Message from President, Susie Hayman

Dear NAPO members,

Three weeks ago, I began my second year as your NAPO President. Despite the many challenges that we have all faced over the past several months, I feel even more honored and proud to be serving our association at this time. The display of comradery, support, and optimism has made it clear that the value of NAPO and the value of our members is what sets us apart and makes us strong.

You’ve heard me say on many occasions that we are not the same NAPO we were ten years ago or the same NAPO we will be in ten years. We now have seen how true that really is. However, we are still a diverse, inclusive and expanding profession, and we are still successful professionals who have talents, skills, education, and certifications that enable us to have a significant impact on those people, businesses, and communities we serve.

Your NAPO Board will be having its first virtual Strategic Planning meeting on June 9 & 10, 2020. As when we meet face to face, we will reflect on our accomplishments and successes; then, we will engage in high-level strategic discussions to determine our strategic direction and initiatives going forward. I can assure you that we will continue to make decisions, based on what’s best for NAPO and its members. I look forward to sharing that strategic direction with you at our virtual Annual Meeting on June 25, 2020, and I hope you will join me.

In the meantime, I encourage you to continue to collaborate, share ideas, and support one another. Experience the true value of your NAPO membership, by taking classes, communicating on POINT, listening to a podcast, participating in a free member webinar, getting involved with a SIG, joining a chapter meeting virtually, and/or volunteering in some way.

As always, I welcome and look forward to your phone calls, emails, and “seeing” you whenever I can.

Warmest regards,

Susie Hayman
NAPO President

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