School’s Always in Session at NAPO University!



Blog submitted by Lindsay Palmgren

Lindsay’s testimonial to NAPO University:  “The first class in the NAPO University that I have taken is the Organizing 101 course. It was jam-packed full of valuable information for the newbie in the business! I have taken a few other organizing courses, and this course provided more organizational theory and information within the first 20 minutes than what I had obtained from another (non-NAPO) class. A definite “must take”, and I can see why it’s titled, ‘101’. Thank you, NAPO!”

“Brrrrrrrrrriiiinggg!!!” There’s the bell signalling a new school year! This means shopping for school supplies, preparing for new schedules, and getting ready to hit the books again. “Back to School” is for more than just the kiddos. As Professional Organizers, we understand the need for checklists and learning, but are we underestimating the resources right in front of us? Regardless of if you are a new Organizer, or an experienced Organizer, NAPO University has something for everyone! Here are my top 5 reasons why I’ll keep checking out the courses at NAPO University.

1. There’s No Tardy Bell. With courses available both pre-recorded and live, there’s no need to worry about being marked ‘tardy’! You can fit your coursework into YOUR schedule – in between kids’ swim classes, after client appointments, first thing in the morning (after your coffee is brewed, of course), whenever it works for YOU.

2. Syllabuses and Outlines. The courses are broken down into specific topics and segmented videos, with downloadable outlines. This makes it easier to tackle subject matter in small chunks, to take notes, and to resume a class. It makes my organized heart sing!

3. Ditch the #2 pencils. As a NAPO newbie, I was relieved to discover that Organizing 101, 102, and 103 course provided relevant examples and realistic case studies to solve. This really got me thinking about new strategies and methodologies. There wasn’t a scantron test to take either, so no test anxiety here!

4. Members and NAPO improve each other. Learning new skills improves the way we can help our clients, but it also improves the reputation of NAPO as a whole. When NAPO members become more educated, our organization becomes more respected. It helps unify the standard that NAPO sets within our industry.

5. Personal development. Philosophies taught may benefit our personal lives, in addition to professionally. In Organizing 101, the speaker suggested using the “Premack Principle” with a client, however I found myself using the principle on myself. My own goal was to complete the first three NAPO “Going Pro” courses, Organizing 101, 102, & 103, and the reward would be replacing my broken purse. Well, I finally finished my 3-class goal, and have “Gone Pro”.

So there you have it, a NAPO newbie’s take on why NAPO University is a great investment. Now if you excuse me, I’m off to go shopping for my new purse, and my next NAPO course.

3 thoughts on “School’s Always in Session at NAPO University!

  1. I am a retired Home Economics teacher. I would like to start an organizing business. How should i start?

    1. Good morning, Trish. Please contact the NAPO offices to learn more about Membership, Professional Education and business support that NAPO offers people who are new to the industry! Please email us at Thank you for your interest!

  2. Thank you Lindsay for the very comprehensive and thoughtful commentary on NAPO University. You absolutely got it correctly; we hS an industry have to be learning and continuing to be educated about the many concepts and skills that we can learn. I’ve been a member of NAPO since 1994 and every class, at conference or through NAPO University, that I take gives me another skill to use with clients or with myself. Congratulations in completing the 3 required classses and having “Gone Pro”. I look forward to the day when you have CPO behind your name.

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